Thursday, March 27, 2008

Daniel's Eggy

Daniel has adopted a hard boiled egg as his son. His name is Eggy. Daniel gave him a bath, dried him off and put him to bed. By morning however, Eggy had cracked, after that Daniel told me he didn't want a cracked son and that I could eat him!
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Easter toys and clothes

The kids in their Easter clothes given to them by Grandma Newman in their Easter basket. The also got some toys from her.
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Caleb the Composer

Caleb is writing music lately. Here is a song about going into the army. You can't see by the picture very well but he has written out a music staff with labeled notes and words. My little Beethoven!
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Latest Family Photo

Kelly got a new camera so we tried out some family photos on Easter. We couldn't quite get what we wanted, but this is the best.
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Monday, March 17, 2008

Orphanage Painting

This is a picture of Del and Lynette Parson after the painting was finished for our orphanage in Ecuador.
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