Faith Fatiya is on the lap of Anne Derby (a world vision employee, who traveled with them). She is in the striped dress with her fingers in her mouth (that is a common trend among my girls)
Gabriel Bona is the little boy in the black and cream, and Gideon Ramadan is in the pink. (Real men wear pink right?) They are so handsome.
DiBabe is the tall girl in the center of the third picture. Isn't she beautiful?
I love these kids so much already, I feel like a mother in her last trimester of pregnancy, where it doesn't matter how much work and craziness is to come, I just want my babies in my arms.
We were able to talk to DiBabe on the phone a few weeks ago. My dad was over there having dinner with her and his girls so he called me and said there was someone who wanted to talk to me. I think heard this meek and darling voice say "Hi Mom." I was immediately bawling!
We are on round two of the paper work and still planning on Janruary to go pick them up.