Sunday, August 31, 2008

Newman Funnies

Daniel woke up blind the other day! He was feeling around the walls and bumping into things. I told him I had some magic glasses in my room. So he went and put them on and it was a miracle-he could see! They were pink with rhinestones and he wore them all day, even to the Dr.'s office where he was concerned that they would think he was a girl. The glasses also seemed to give him super smell sense, as they brought in the shots for Eva he said. "Somethings up, I can smell shots!"
Eva is hilarious! She has a few addictions in her new little life. One is shoes. (She has started early) She loves to put the shoes on her hands and crawl around with them. She does this all throughout the day. Whenever she sees a pair she goes after them. When she is crying we try and distract her by putting some shoes in front of her, and it works!

Eva's other addiction is being outside. She is like a dog in that whenever anyone comes to the door she races for it and tries to get out. If the door closes and she doesn't get to go out she stands there like this and just howls and cries, like her little heart has just broke! (It is pretty funny.) We were wondering today what she is going to do when it is winter out.
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Charlotte said...

What cute kids you have! I love the school pictures and the Newman family sure did a great job in church today!

Tara said...

Ok I can't stop laughing at that pic of Daniel. He is hysterical!!

Katie said...

okay, Dan is hilarious. Everything he does cracks me up! His eyes are really magnified with those glasses Cher, what kind of a perscription do you have?

Poor little Eva, she looks so sad there by the door. said...

Oh ----- Mama! I feel so bad for her.

cindy geilmann