Sunday, January 4, 2009

Panama Temple

The biggest and best reason that we travelled to Panama was for my little sister Heidi, her husband Mark, and their baby Elyn to be sealed in the temple.
It is a beautiful country and a glorious temple. The spirit was so strong and it felt so right to be there with them. Mark and Heidi have worked really hard to get to this point in their lives and the Lord has blessed them and us so much. We are all so happy and uplifted to be there!
Little Elyn was so cute and good for the sealing he even made a cute cooing sound when the sealer told them he was sealed for eternity, he is the happiest baby I have ever met.

Also a big shout out to my sisters DeAnna, Stephanie and Savannah for handling all the kids and babies for the whole day while we went to the temple!
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Stacy said...

That is so awesome!!

Glad you had a good time in the sun for Christmas.

Angela said...

I'm so glad that Heidi & Mark went through the temple and what a cute baby they have. I'm sure you and Kelly have been such a positive influence on them. I hope you're feeling better and that the rest of your family is too.

Kristi Amasio said...

I love the pics. Such a beautiful family. I love the new blog background too. Great job!