Thursday, November 5, 2009


First snow:

The first snow was a huge hit! They thought it would be soft so they were bellyflopping into it and then laughing when it was hard ground they hit. Their eyes about popped out of their heads when I ate some. Then they tried it and were amazed that it tasted just like water..(and dirt).
It was also another $150 trip to Walmart for boots and gloves.


ManicMandee said...

How fun to see you post again. (I've got your blog on my feed.) I wonder how long it will take for your kids to think snow isn't so cool anymore.
Your girls are gorgeous!
We love your fam.
I know this comment is so random.
see ya,
amanda bishop

scooping it up said...

Just found your blog by blog hopping: my family is waiting for our referral for 2 children from Ethiopia (to add to our 2 biological kids) and looking at all these children makes me feel a little less crazy. Beautiful family, good luck!