Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Day of School......Kind of

Ok, Ok ...It wasn't really the first day of school. It was the second. It was the second day because we were too late to take them the first day. AND we were too late the second day to take GOOD pictures. That is why the sun is killing Caleb, Harmony has a squinty face, and I have no idea why there is so much blurriness. Now by the time we got to Daniel's first day we were faster and smarter. We did them inside and he is an afternoon kindergartener so Mom is way more coherent by the time he gets ready.

Everyone is loving their new classes.

Caleb is in 4th grade and his 3rd year of Spanish Immersion. His teacher seems to expect a little more from him, which is good for his brillant mind and his tendencies for laziness. He has a new girl in his class named Elsie, that has been a big deal because his class dynamics don't change yearly because of the program.

Harmony is in first grade. It is hard for me to let her go all day, but she is helping me through it by coming home super ornery. It is not as hard the next morning to let her go. I thought she would really be a teenager on me about waking up early but she has done really well with that and sometimes been the first one awake. She rates how good her days are by how many of her friends wanted her in the middle of the hand holding line at lunch recess.

Daniel is a kindergartner! He loves it! He is so smart and more academically ready than the other two were, which is weird because he is my preschool drop-out. He has already cut the apron strings with me. On the second day of kindergarten he was begging me not to come to pick him up from school. OUCH! He just wants to be a big kid and have the older kids come get him, not his mommy.

So now it gets a little lonely with just Eva and I. I think she feels more lonely than I do as she follows me around everywhere and gets so excited when the kids get home.
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Kristi Amasio said...

Wow. I am jealous that you have 3 in school. That has to be a nice break for you. Our kids are getting old, aren't they? Kind of scarey. I guess that means we are getting old too! :)

Katie said...

Harmony onery? I don´t believe it. I miss your kids so much! said...

You are so funny and so cool and such a great Mom! Go kids!