Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer of "Facing our Fears"

Our summer is over! I love summer so this is a hard time for me to give them back to the School system. We have had a great summer though. One of the things I am most proud of the kids for is the skills they learned this summer as we focused on bike riding.

Caleb especially made the most progress. At the beginning of the summer he had a pretty bad attitude and was really scared of bike riding. However through bribery, threatenings, and lots of practice he became converted and he is officially a bike rider! He kept asking me why it was so important that he ride a bike. I told him it was because he was afraid of it, and the only way not to be afraid is to face our fears. (Mom needs to take this advice on some things too!)
In the end that is what he told me he feels most proud about, that he is not afraid of it any more. The funniest part is that on the day he finally "got it" he said. "I get it now Mom, it is all about my attitude!" (I hope this new found wisdom translates to homework.)

Harmony is our daredevil bike rider. She actually learned last year and has been honing her skill. She can ride Caleb's big bike (thanks G-ma Newman) even though she can't touch the ground. She flies down the hill, goes off curbs, and can ride one-handed. What a girl! Her only concern was that she didn't think we cheered for her when she learned. I told her that we for sure did and have video to back it up! (got lucky on that one!)

Daniel was a daredevil to begin with and was actually riding without help. As he was trying to learn turns and starting himself he had some pretty major crashes (one where he flew over the handle bars). His courage has diminished and now he won't let me let go. I am hoping that over the winter he will forget and we will start fresh with him next summer.

Can I just add that the little bike buddy on the back saved my back this summer!
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Katie said...

Good job Caleb! Yay Harmony! You can do it Daniel! Good think you´ve been exercising alot Cherish, I get tired just thinking of running behind a bike. I better kick it up before I have bike riding kids.

Kristi Amasio said...

Yea Caleb! I knew you could do it! That is great! Harmony you little dare devil, your so stinkin cute! I can't believe summer is over too. Usually I'm excited for the kids to go back, but I have loved having them home. I'm lucky we have one more week. :) said...

What a terrific summer. My parents taught me, "if you don't succeed at first, try, try again.