Sunday, May 25, 2008

Night at the Theater

Caleb's Play was on May 15th, it was "Little Mermaid's Adventures with the Pirate's of the Carribean." Caleb was a shark named Seacrest and he announced the opening of "Under the Sea Idol" he is a pro. It was a fun and good play and he got an "Academy Award" trophy, he loved that part.

Eva is not quite ready for the cultural arts. Luckily it wasn't a packed house so Mom, Dad, Harmony and Daniel took turns following her up and down the aisle and in between the chairs. She even tried to eat a chewed up peice of gum she found on the floor! AHHHH!
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Tara said...

Oh how hilarious! I wish I could have been there to see it. Caleb just cracks me up. I bet he did a great job.

Katie said...

Go Caleb Seacrest! Watch out for the gum, that could give her worms. Ewe. So, it looks like Harmony is wearing make-up in all her pictures, she´s maturing pretty fast between the make-up and the peanuts!