Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tagged (by Tara and LaNae, I feel so special)

This is an "All About Me" tag:

Four places I go to over and over.

1. The kids' school (to get Harmony from kindergarten, to take Caleb his lunch he left, and his homework he left, and his show and tell he that kid)
2. The bathroom (to try and get one more page of my book in.)
3. The kitchen (do I ever really leave there?)
4. The orthodontist (Caleb's new second home)

Four people who e-mail me the most.
1. Ilene Stone (she sends me lots of forwards)
2. Kelly (he sends me things to remind him to do)
3. Herroom (I bought one bra from them and now they stalk me!)
4. Dad (that is not really true but I am hoping if I visulize it happening it will :))
(I am the parathensee (sp?) queen)

Four of my favorite foods.
1. Guacamole
2. Chili's baby back ribs
3. Chocolate
4. Oatmeal (Ok totally not true, but I am trying psych myself into it)

Four places I'd rather be right now.
1. In bed
2. On a cruise
3. Getting a massage or a tan
4. I am happy to be home-I just wish Kelly were here. (it is 8 pm on a Sunday and he is still at meetings)

Four movies I'd watch over and over.
1. Princess Bride
2. Dan in Real Life
3. Return to me
4. Les Miserables

Five people I'm tagging.
1. Katie
2. DeAnna
3. Destiny
4. Heidi
5. Grandpa Gibson (You can do it!)


Katie said...

Oh Dude, your Return to Me movie is at my house, Life is Beautiful is too. I´ll get it back to you in a few years when I get home. Yikes!

Caldwells said...

Ha ha, have fun watching your favorite movies in a few years when Katie gives them back! I like reading your funny stuff...makes me laugh. Anyway, your blog is great, keep it up!
Love you!
PS....Add me to your blog roll right now, mister!